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Your child opens the front door, hangs up a backpack and bursts into tears while sharing that a classmate is being a bully. Your heart sinks, and then your inner protective parent begins to gear up for retaliation. Below are three key tips to help you support your children.
Most days, packing lunch is just one more task I need to check off before we all rush out the door. It takes time, energy and money to plan out kids’ meals. So now that my kids are a little older, I am excited to teach them how to pack their own lunches.
"My daughter is turning 7 in a few months, and I am considering getting a tablet for her, especially given the increase in online learning. Are there ways to balance screen time while still creating a healthy home environment?"
We all attach stigmas to food — intentionally or not. Those snacks? “Bad!” These snacks? “Good!” That vegetable? “Gross.” This vegetable? “Yummy!” But these judgments can have a real impact on those around us.
It’s easy for anxious families to let their guard down and fall victim to the back-to-college marketing ploys, but every “dorm essential” checklist has items that will still be unused or unopened at the end of the year.
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2021 holiday bazaar listings - descriptions date time location contact
National surveys show that among youth and young adults, one in five report drinking alcohol in the past 30 days, and one in 10 report binge drinking.
As long as you handle your credit responsibly, naming a child as an authorized user can help them establish a good credit record and learn how to use credit responsibly.
A Roth IRA can be a great way for a child or grandchild to begin saving for retirement while learning about investing.
Tooth decay is simple to prevent, yet sadly, many families don't take the steps that are needed.
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My 9-year-old son has been having trouble sleeping ever since we had begun social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.