Welcome to our weekly podcast with longtime Anchorage Daily News garden writer and author Jeff Lowenfels and co-host Jonathan White. It’s a companion to Jeff’s weekly ADN gardening columns and his popular series of books.
As rain pelts Southcentral Alaska, mushrooms (and wood frogs) are popping up everywhere. Jeff and Jonathan point out that mushrooms in lawns or meadows are usually a positive sign, indicating thriving soil microbiology. In fact, fungal activity in your lawn is beneficial, as mushrooms are great decomposers in the food chain.

After the break, the guys discuss growing potatoes and ways to ensure you get the most out of your spuds. For example, if your potatoes are flowering, don’t panic! Let them hang out for a few weeks (or a month) so the starches can filter down into the spud. This ensures a great-tasting potato!
Finally, the team tackles a listener’s question about cauliflower.
Have a question? Ask Jeff and Jonathan at teamingwithmicrobes@me.com
Sponsored by Number 2 Organics, Big Foot Microbes and Down to Earth Fertilizers
Hosts: Jeff Lowenfels and Jonathan White. Produced by Evan Phillips.
This podcast is a collaboration between the hosts and Anchorage Daily News.
Feedback: teamingwithmicrobes@me.com
Read Lowenfels’ weekly columns on gardening and growing at ADN.com.
Read Jeff’s books: “Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener’s Guide to the Soil Food Web,” “Teaming with Nutrients: The Organic Gardener’s Guide to Optimizing Plant Nutrition,” “Teaming with Fungi: The Organic Grower’s Guide to Mycorrhizae,” among others.