Eras of Anchorage
10 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday; The Nave Spenard, 3502 Spenard Rd.
Local musician Emma Hill and The Nave present “Eras of Anchorage,” an art exhibit honoring the history of the city’s music scene. This free event includes a listening station, merch, memorabilia and gear swap, and an all-ages, Alaska-focused open mic from 5-7 p.m. There will also be a live printing, art exhibit and a zine library.

Galway Days Irish Festival
11 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, Town Square Park; 3-8 p.m. Sunday, 49th State Brewing
Now held over two days, Galway Days will feature performers like Jubilee, The Northern Lights Celtic Dancers, Tania Opland, Laughing Molly and De Pri. Saturday will feature workshops, vendor booths, a children’s tent, buskers, storytellers and a photography exhibit. Sunday’s festivities include live music, dancing instruction and a ceílí featuring visiting artists Sky Kelsey and Colm Broderick, joined by local musicians performing for the ceílí dancers.

Blueberry Festival
11 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday; Alyeska Resort, 1000 Arlberg Ave. in Girdwood
This two-day event features loads of music from favorites like Braided River and Black Barrel & the Bad Men, pie-eating contests and a blueberry creations contest. Chairlift ride available for $10, plus plenty of craft vendors, food vendors and trucks.
Summertide Writing Celebration
5-9 p.m. Saturday
This fundraiser for 49 Writers is an evening with other writers, readers, and supporters of the literary arts at this cozy backyard gathering. It includes prompts at a variety of different writing stations, complimentary beverages and light snacks. Cost is $65. The event is held at a private home with address provided after registration.
Stories at the Cemetery
6 p.m. Sunday; Anchorage Memorial Cemetery, Seventh and Cordova Street
This is the final collection of stories for the season and a repeat of a performance from earlier this summer, only this time the stories of 10 notable, notorious, and/or colorful Alaska characters are presented on a stage erected inside the cemetery grounds. Bring your own chair. Admission is free but donations are accepted.